Kommentierter Musterkurs - Englisch
New York, New York
Ein kommentierter Musterkurs
Moodle: Wie navigiere ich im Kurs
Moodle: Worum geht es in diesem Kurs
Starter: The American flagTopic 1: Listening, reading and understanding New York Topic 2: New York and its boroughs Topic 3: Elis Island -
Lernen Sie zunächst wie man im Kurs navigiert.
Erfahren Sie welche Zielsetzung diesem Kurs zugrunde liegt und wie die Einheiten zu verstehen sind.
Welche Arbeitsmaterialien und Aktivitäten wurden hier wie und warum verwendet? Lesen Sie und erfahren Sie mehr.
The American Flag
Bild: Pete Linforth - Pixabay.com
The American people love their flag. It has many names. Take a minute and listen to Sidney and Nancy . Learn about the meaning of the colours and symbols.
Check if you got it!
America was the dream country of the first settlers.The American flag represents the history and values of the country.
What would the flag of the country of your dreams look like? What values are important to you? Design a flag (draw a pictures and take a photo) and write a little text about the meaning of the symbols and colours used in your flag.
Upload your file here. Comment on at least one of the flags of your class mates.
Welche Arbeitsmaterialien und Aktivitäten wurden hier wie und warum verwendet? Lesen Sie und erfahren Sie mehr.
1. Listening, reading and understanding New York
Practicing basic language skills
You missed one of my lessons? Here you can find what we did in class.
Follow this webquest and get to know New York and its sights. Download the file and fill in the form. We'll correct it in class.
(uploaded from: English4fun.altavista.org; June 2020) -
Download the file and fill in the table while watching the video. After that, use the text for correction.
Klick on the link, watch the video and fill in the gaps on your online worksheet.
If you're using a device without a flash player, klick on the video below first and open then the link, to hear the recording while filling in the gaps.
Choose one sight or monument in New York and find out the most important facts. Then go to the website learningapps.org and create a quiz for your classmates. Post the link to your quiz in this forum.
Test some of the quizzes of your classmates. You can assess them with one to three smileys. -
Welche Arbeitsmaterialien und Aktivitäten wurden hier wie und warum verwendet? Lesen Sie und erfahren Sie mehr.
In this section you will have to prepare a presentation about one of New York's borough. Read this file first to understand the rules and useful vocabulary.
Work in groups and prepare a presentation about one of New York's boroughs. Collect information on the following website first and upload your finished presentation as a pdf file here for correction. You'll also have to give your presentation in class.
Welche Arbeitsmaterialien und Aktivitäten wurden hier wie und warum verwendet? Lesen Sie und erfahren Sie mehr.
3. Elis Island
Focussing on creative writing
Foto: Pixabay; Vintage-luggage652875-
Video about the history of Ellis Island and Migration in New York
First watch the video at your own speed. Then do to test to check your understanding. Don't forget to enter new vocabulary in the glossary
Imagine you were a young immigrant arriving in New York. Describe your arrival, feelings and experiences in a diary entry. Use the information of the film and the "Elis Island Website" as a background of your story.
Welche Arbeitsmaterialien und Aktivitäten wurden hier wie und warum verwendet? Lesen Sie und erfahren Sie mehr.